General Pest Proofing
An example
Pest Proofing Specialists In Kent
Pest Proofing is often necessary to stop unwanted guests entering property. If you already have an internal mouse or rat problem, it will probably be as a result of a gap or hole somewhere in the property. Therefore, to begin with, we would thoroughly survey your premises to identify problem areas which require proofing, as well as eliminate the pest.
In short, proof against pests, and in the long run you wont have uninvited guests!
We can supply and fit a variety of products for general pest proofing such as proofing plates, bristle strips, fly screens and electrical fly killers.
Domestic and commercial.
An example of proofing against rodents. Custom made aluminium proofing plates used on bottom of shed to prevent rodents gnawing to gain entry. A common problem we can easily fix for you.
Grey Squirrels were gaining access into loft space, but not anymore!
contact us now to discuss your proofing requirements.