Bird Proofing

Bird Proofing

Bird Proofing:

We offer professional bird proofing solutions against pest birds, such as gulls and feral pigeons, which can cause problems.

  • Health risks when they live near humans, spreading infectious diseases such as salmonella and tuberculosis.
  • Hazards, such as droppings, (guano), making the area below slippery.
  • Guano can also damage buildings/equipment.
  • Areas can become infested, such as food factories, supermarkets, warehouses, shopping centres or schools.
  • These pest birds can congregate in large numbers and cause a nuisance and become intimidating.

Contact us to discuss your bird proofing options. 07715 211899

Solar Panel Proofing:

solar proofing installation

Netting Solutions

Post and wire installation:


Post and wire system used because customers plastic spikes did not work.

Proofing balcony ledges against pigeons

Proofing shed roof and spotlights to stop pigeons landing and fouling on customers property.


Chimnetty solution to stop gulls nesting:

Netting installation to stop gulls nesting:

Solar panel proofing:




Netting Installations:

Eaves netted to prevent house martins and swallows nesting

Proofing vents against starlings





Proofing of large screen against pigeons at Folkestone Harbour Arm


We can also offer solutions for new buildings.


  • bird netting systems, great for covering larger areas such as roofs, though still allows access to plant machinery and air conditioning units, etc.
  • spikes, mainly used on edges, window sills and ledges, stopping the pest bird from physically landing.
  • mesh, fantastic proofing method for solar panels.
  • pin and wire systems and Avishock are amongst other options.